About Us

Medical sonographer turned flower farmer.  I am a lover of Jesus, a wife to Jimmy, mother to our girls Kylee and Kate. Working on our land brings me so much joy and I love sharing it with others.

Family owned business is in my blood. Growing up with grocery store feet in my granddaddy’s store and working in my dad’s small town jewelry store instilled a love for community and serving . I was raised to work hard, serve and share with others, and appreciate the benefits of owning your own business. 

Hi! I’m Ashton!

After being in the medical field for 16 years I knew there was a tug on my heart to work the land that the Lord blessed our family with. I have loved growing a vegetable garden the past 5 years and it’s become something I have looked forward to every spring.  Digging in the dirt, babying the seeds, weeding (Yes, I even enjoy pulling the weeds!), watching the land I live on produce fruit that feeds my family, and harvesting with our girls. It’s very rewarding to grow with my own hands and feed the people I love. 

Fast forward to our first year as a flower farm. Through many prayers for a purpose and a direction, the Lord brought us to flowers.  My husband, who is my best friend and partner in all things, is the real reason I had the courage to step out in faith. He has encouraged me to pursue the dream that I never knew to dream. His prayers and leadership in our family have made this dream a reality. 

Being a flower farmer has allowed us to cultivate the land and cultivate our girls' hearts as they grow up way too fast. We have put in the sweat, tears, prayers, and faith and enjoying every minute of making this a successful flower farm.  I feel overwhelming gratitude in this adventure and love bringing joy to others through flowers!